Publié le 20/01/2011
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Upload de fichier sur un serveur web

L'upload d'un fichier consiste à transférer un fichier à partir d'un disque dur vers un serveur web. L'opération permet à un internaute de mettre en ligne et de partager du contenu (image, photo, fichier zip).
Le transfert d'un fichier via l'upload se compose de 2 étapes:
1. envoi d'un fichier à partir d'un formulaire avec une requête POST,
2. contrôle puis archivage du fichier transféré.

Formulaire HTML d'upload (uploadfile.html)

L'internaute accède à ses fonctions au travers d'une page HTML. A la validation du formulaire, le fichier sélectionné est automatiquement envoyé au serveur.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='uploadfile.php' method='POST'>
            <input name='upfile' type='file' />
            <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1024000">
            <input type='submit' value='Upload' />

Traiter l'upload (uploadfile.php)

Le script est appelé automatiquement par le formulaire en fin de requête. En PHP, nous allons contrôler le fichier transmis et l'archiver dans un répertoire du serveur web.
 * Script appelé par le formulaire
 * Note sur la variable $_FILES
 * $_FILES['upfile']['name'] fichier le PC de l'internaute (ex: avatar.gif)
 * $_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name'] fichier temporaire sur le serveur (ex: gqxM3m)
 * $_FILES['upfile']['type'] type du fichier
 * $_FILES['upfile']['size'] taille du fichier en octets
if($_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name']) {
    $upload = new Upload();
    //Fixer le nom du fichier
    //Fixer le nom du fichier temporaire
    //Fixer le dossier de destination de l'upload
    //Fixer les extensions autorisées
    $upload->SetValidExtensions(array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png')); 
    //Fixer la taille max. en octet
    if ($upload->UploadFile()) {
        echo 'upload de '.$upload->GetFileName().' reussi !!!';
    } else {
        echo 'echec !!!';

class PHP d'upload (Upload.php)

En complément au fonction de base, la class développé par John Ciaci dispose de fonctions intéressantes:
- vérification du type et des extensions de l'upload,
- test des dimensions d'une image.
- report détaillé des erreurs.
 * This class allows a user to upload and validate their files.
 * @author John Ciacia 
 * @version 1.0
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007, John Ciacia
 * @license GNU Public License
class Upload {
     *@var string contains the name of the file to be uploaded.
    var $FileName;
     *@var string contains the temporary name of the file to be uploaded.
    var $TempFileName;
     *@var string contains directory where the files should be uploaded.
    var $UploadDirectory;
     *@var string contains an array of valid extensions which are allowed to be uploaded.
    var $ValidExtensions;
     *@var string contains a message which can be used for debugging.
    var $Message;
     *@var integer contains maximum size of fiels to be uploaded in bytes.
    var $MaximumFileSize;
     *@var bool contains whether or not the files being uploaded are images.
    var $IsImage;
     *@var integer contains maximum width of images to be uploaded.
    var $MaximumWidth;
     *@var integer contains maximum height of images to be uploaded.
    var $MaximumHeight;
    function Upload()
     *@method bool ValidateExtension() returns whether the extension of file to be uploaded
     *    is allowable or not.
     *@return true the extension is valid.
     *@return false the extension is invalid.
    function ValidateExtension()
        $FileName = trim($this->FileName);
        $FileParts = pathinfo($FileName);
        $Extension = strtolower($FileParts['extension']);
        $ValidExtensions = $this->ValidExtensions;
        if (!$FileName) {
            $this->SetMessage("ERROR: File name is empty.");
            return false;
        if (!$ValidExtensions) {
            $this->SetMessage("WARNING: All extensions are valid.");
            return true;
        if (in_array($Extension, $ValidExtensions)) {
            $this->SetMessage("MESSAGE: The extension '$Extension' appears to be valid.");
            return true;
        } else {
            $this->SetMessage("Error: The extension '$Extension' is invalid.");
            return false;  
     *@method bool ValidateSize() returns whether the file size is acceptable.
     *@return true the size is smaller than the alloted value.
     *@return false the size is larger than the alloted value.
    function ValidateSize()
        $MaximumFileSize = $this->MaximumFileSize;
        $TempFileName = $this->GetTempName();
        $TempFileSize = filesize($TempFileName);
        if($MaximumFileSize == "") {
            $this->SetMessage("WARNING: There is no size restriction.");
            return true;
        if ($MaximumFileSize <= $TempFileSize) {
            $this->SetMessage("ERROR: The file is too big. It must be less than $MaximumFileSize and it is $TempFileSize.");
            return false;
        $this->SetMessage("Message: The file size is less than the MaximumFileSize.");
        return true;
     *@method bool ValidateExistance() determins whether the file already exists. If so, rename $FileName.
     *@return true can never be returned as all file names must be unique.
     *@return false the file name does not exist.
    function ValidateExistance()
        $FileName = $this->FileName;
        $UploadDirectory = $this->UploadDirectory;
        $File = $UploadDirectory . $FileName;
        if (file_exists($File)) {
            $this->SetMessage("Message: The file '$FileName' already exist.");
            $UniqueName = rand() . $FileName;
        } else {
            $this->SetMessage("Message: The file name '$FileName' does not exist.");
            return false;
     *@method bool ValidateDirectory()
     *@return true the UploadDirectory exists, writable, and has a traling slash.
     *@return false the directory was never set, does not exist, or is not writable.
    function ValidateDirectory()
        $UploadDirectory = $this->UploadDirectory;
        if (!$UploadDirectory) {
            $this->SetMessage("ERROR: The directory variable is empty.");
            return false;
        if (!is_dir($UploadDirectory)) {
            $this->SetMessage("ERROR: The directory '$UploadDirectory' does not exist.");
            return false;
        if (!is_writable($UploadDirectory)) {
            $this->SetMessage("ERROR: The directory '$UploadDirectory' does not writable.");
            return false;
        if (substr($UploadDirectory, -1) != "/") {
            $this->SetMessage("ERROR: The traling slash does not exist.");
            $NewDirectory = $UploadDirectory . "/";
        } else {
            $this->SetMessage("MESSAGE: The traling slash exist.");
            return true;
     *@method bool ValidateImage()
     *@return true the image is smaller than the alloted dimensions.
     *@return false the width and/or height is larger then the alloted dimensions.
    function ValidateImage() {
        $MaximumWidth = $this->MaximumWidth;
        $MaximumHeight = $this->MaximumHeight;
        $TempFileName = $this->TempFileName;
    if($Size = @getimagesize($TempFileName)) {
        $Width = $Size[0];   //$Width is the width in pixels of the image uploaded to the server.
        $Height = $Size[1];  //$Height is the height in pixels of the image uploaded to the server.
        if ($Width > $MaximumWidth) {
            $this->SetMessage("The width of the image [$Width] exceeds the maximum amount [$MaximumWidth].");
            return false;
        if ($Height > $MaximumHeight) {
            $this->SetMessage("The height of the image [$Height] exceeds the maximum amount [$MaximumHeight].");
            return false;
        $this->SetMessage("The image height [$Height] and width [$Width] are within their limitations.");     
        return true;
     *@method bool UploadFile() uploads the file to the server after passing all the validations.
     *@return true the file was uploaded.
     *@return false the upload failed.
    function UploadFile()
        if (!$this->ValidateExtension()) {
        else if (!$this->ValidateSize()) {
        else if ($this->ValidateExistance()) {
        else if (!$this->ValidateDirectory()) {
        else if ($this->IsImage && !$this->ValidateImage()) {
        else {
            $FileName = $this->FileName;
            $TempFileName = $this->TempFileName;
            $UploadDirectory = $this->UploadDirectory;
            if (is_uploaded_file($TempFileName)) { 
                move_uploaded_file($TempFileName, $UploadDirectory . $FileName);
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
    #Accessors and Mutators beyond this point.
    #Siginificant documentation is not needed.
    function SetFileName($argv)
        $this->FileName = $argv;
    function SetUploadDirectory($argv)
        $this->UploadDirectory = $argv;
    function SetTempName($argv)
        $this->TempFileName = $argv;
    function SetValidExtensions($argv)
        $this->ValidExtensions = $argv;
    function SetMessage($argv)
        $this->Message = $argv;
    function SetMaximumFileSize($argv)
        $this->MaximumFileSize = $argv;
    function SetIsImage($argv)
        $this->IsImage = $argv;
    function SetMaximumWidth($argv)
        $this->MaximumWidth = $argv;
    function SetMaximumHeight($argv)
        $this->MaximumHeight = $argv;
    function GetFileName()
        return $this->FileName;
    function GetUploadDirectory()
        return $this->UploadDirectory;
    function GetTempName()
        return $this->TempFileName;
    function GetValidExtensions()
        return $this->ValidExtensions;
    function GetMessage()
        if (!isset($this->Message)) {
            $this->SetMessage("No Message");
        return $this->Message;
    function GetMaximumFileSize()
        return $this->MaximumFileSize;
    function GetIsImage()
        return $this->IsImage;
    function GetMaximumWidth()
        return $this->MaximumWidth;
    function GetMaximumHeight()
        return $this->MaximumHeight;

Mise en garde
L'upload de fichier permet à un internaute de déposer un fichier sur le serveur web. Donc avant d'intégrer les ressources à son site internet, il est important de vérifier le contenu du fichier, y compris de tester la présence de virus.

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